In order to figure out what the planets represent, astrologers 2000+ years ago up until now observe the location of the planets and events occurring at the time. You can see patterns in history when the energy of two planets are interacting with one another, events of similar nature occur. As an astrologer, I do a lot of research myself. I am part of a lot of Facebook groups and other astrological communities where I collect data and create spreadsheets and reports based on my findings that I gather from other members of these groups/communities. On this page, you can find the information I've collected for various different topics. I share my findings, but I will never share anyone's personal information or any stories that they share. I usually cross-post in different astrological groups in order to obtain as much data as possible. I also observe charts of celebrities, serial killers, murderers, terrorists, teachers, and other people of the same archetype to find similarities in their natal charts.